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BIG COLOR: Mid-20th Century Architectural Scale Art Glass

DDC, 136 Madison Avenue, New York
May - Oct, 2013

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BIG COLOR examines the Architectural Scale blown glass vessels introduced by Wayne Husted in 1954 and produced by the Blenko Glass Company of West Virginia. The unprecedented exhibition included over 120 examples of these massive jewel toned glass objects, the largest collection ever assembled.

Architectural pieces are up to 46 inches (117 cm) tall; created to be of a scale substantial enough to engage with the architectural environment and elements like columns and stairs directly, unmediated by furniture.

An artist at heart and in training, the defining drive of Husted's tenure as resident designer for Blenko was his desire to create objects that could only be seen as works of art. By altering scale to an extreme and unprecedented degree he struck on an enduring and compelling new genre that suited the modern era, one that unequivocally demands to be considered as sculpture.

Hardcover, cloth bound exhibition catalog explores the topic in depth, details & purchasing at this link.

Press Coverage:
Toledo Museum acquisition press release
Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum Tour
Modern Magazine coverage
New York Times

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